For the past 5 – 6 months, we all have been in the middle of a pandemic caused by the coronavirus. In this situation How teachers are teaching kids online and helping overwhelmed parents? The impact of the virus is so much so that it has already claimed more than 5 lakh lives around the world. The virus outbreak has been termed as the biggest tragedy in recent human history. The amount the economic crisis that coronavirus. coronavirus has bought to the world, the loss of education for school going kids as well as for the students of higher studies is also not small. It is a long time process. Lockdown is the demand for the situation. In the wake of the imposition of lockdown. all the universities, schools, and institutions have been shut for months and still have not opened.
Online Classes for School Students During Lockdown
All kinds of examinations are either canceled or they have been postponed till further notice. Apart from the virus outbreak, one of the biggest concern for parents and teachers were the loss of education. They all were worried about how the children will complete their syllabus on time and the child’s growth was also interrupted due to this. Covid 19 is affecting everything. Hence, we have to shut down organizations. Due to the closure of schools and colleges, students are bound to stay at home. But most of the students are in dilemma on how to continue their studies. Everyone was concerned that when the situation will return to normalcy, there will be so studies left to complete. Another reason to worry for parents was that children might forget whatever they have learned till now.
Online Classes Impact on Students
Education is as important as other essential activities. Therefore, to counter the loss of education. Almost all the college, school, and institutes started their online education program to help the students complete their syllabus on time. With the help of e-learning programs, students and teachers can both manage the educational activities while maintaining the much needed physical distance. The initiative of online schooling has been welcomed by the parents and teachers with an open heart due to its benefits like
Online schooling does not require a physical place.
It is flexible in nature and children can attend the classes from their homes.
There is no need to travel to the school or institute, thus it reduces the chances of getting infected from outsiders.
Online classes can be joined with a smartphone having a stable internet connection. You do not need to have a high specific desktop for this.
It is an effective way of learning with the help of interactive video classes and doubt sessions.
The initiative of online schooling was not limited to the institutes and schools but several educational companies and websites were already active in this field. And the lockdown period came as a boon to their operations and gave a boost to their online teaching business.
E Learning Platform for Students
There are multiple e-learning companies that provide free as well as paid online teaching classes to the students. We have to choose as per our needs. These online schools offer multiple courses related to the regular academic syllabus as well as extra courses to learn a new skill and develop a new interest. Students are delighted that they can learn something other than the school’s syllabus from online educators by utilizing their spare time. Parents, who can afford to have this facility, have already bought subscription plans to continue their child’s education. These facilities have helped the teachers, to land a job in these difficult times, parents, to help their child carry on learning, and students to learn some extra skills along with regular syllabus.
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E Learning Conclusion
To conclude, The online education concept is nothing new in the market. It has been there before the virus tragedy. But the pandemic surely made this concept more popular than before. It has its advantages for us. The updates about the vaccine say that multiple contenders for the coronavirus vaccine in the human trial phase. It is a long time process that predicted that by the end of the year. we may have a vaccine to cure the disease caused by the virus. We should try to stay at home. But till then, we have to take precautions and continue fighting the virus. Also, there is no need to worry about the loss of studies. We just need to be calm. It has already been taken care of through online education mediums. It will provide our kids to continue study guidelines.
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