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Best Study Tips for Class 10 : Step by Step Guide in 12 Points

Best Study Tips for Class 10 Step by Step Guide in 12 Points

Class 10th board exams are one of the most crucial parts of a student’s academic career. Because these exams are vital in determining which stream(i.e., Science, Commerce, or Humanities) a student will pursue, it is critical to study diligently to ensure a smooth transition from class 10th to class 11th. Here are a few scientific tips prepared by due research that can help you to conquer the exams.

Understand the Syllabus

Whatever exam you are preparing for, the most important thing you should do is, analyze the syllabus. It happens pretty frequently that students emphasize topics that do not carry much weight in the examination. Thus, wasting their precious time. One should examine the syllabus and mark the issues which are constantly asked in the exam. Students can also ask their teachers for help. Remember the 80-20 Principle. It is stated that 80 percent of output is produced by 20 percent effort. As a result, you should start with the most important chapters and then move on to the others.

Study the Exam Pattern

Students must be aware of the new pattern of examination introduced by the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE). According to the new pattern, the question paper will be based on MCQs, that is, multiple-choice questions. Thus, it is advisable to prepare accordingly. Solve as many MCQs as possible. Make a list of pointers such as factual information and definitions that can be asked in an MCQ format. To know more about the new pattern and curriculum introduced by the board, students can visit

Set your goals and assign a deadline

When we assign a deadline to a task, we are more likely to complete it within the time frame specified. To maintain a procrastination-free learning environment, you can set deadlines for each chapter or even subject. 

Use Mixed Study Method

Students can use the Mixed Study Method. It is a scientifically proven method to enhance efficiency. In this method, we need to study 2-3 subjects simultaneously to avoid boredom. For example, when studying History, which is a theoretical subject, you can mix Mathematics with it. 

Make Crisp and Concise Notes 

One should always make concise notes while studying. It will help the students to retain the concepts better. Rereading the entire book for revision is not a good idea. They can take brief and concise notes on all topics while reading them for the first time. And, during exams, students can read these notes instead of going through the book. It will save a lot of time.

One more important point that should be noted is, do not copy someone else’s notes. The whole purpose of writing these notes is to have a resource to revise everything quickly at the time of exams, which is not feasible with other people’s notes.

Memorize all Important Headings

Questions are sometimes directly linked with the heading of the concerned topic. For example, suppose there is a question in your exam regarding a particular topic. In that case, you can write a general answer to that question even if you do not know the exact answer provided you remember the heading. Thus, It would be preferable if you could memorize the essential headings. It will assist you in writing answers more efficiently. 

Revise! Revise! Revise

The most crucial aspect of any exam preparation is revision. It is essential to have a good revision strategy to reproduce what you have learned in the whole year. To make a fool-proof revision strategy, you should keep three things in mind.

First and foremost, do not revise the entire book. Only go over the most important points and concepts from your notes. Second, while revising a chapter, go over the questions that were asked in previous years. You’ll have a better idea of what to study. Third, create mind maps and charts inside your mind. In other words, for each lesson, try to categorize the topics according to their importance and form a link between different topics of the same chapter.

Critically Analyse Previous Year’s Papers

Solving the previous year’s question paper is a critical component of good exam preparation. If you read the toppers’ strategies, you will notice that they all solved previous year’s questions before taking the final exam. Last year’s questions give you an idea of how the exam will be structured. If you carefully examine this previous year’s question papers, you will notice a pattern of questions asked in the exams. You will learn which chapters should be prioritized first. Therefore, you should make a list of topics and corresponding to it a list of questions asked from that topic in recent years. Remember not to overdo this. Restrict yourself to past 5 to 7-year papers.

Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. You can always talk to your friends and teachers about your concerns.

They are always available to you. Teachers are an excellent source of information and inspiration. Have a friendly relationship with them so that you can ask your questions without fear of being judged. Study with your friends and assess each other after reading a topic. It will develop a sense of competence.

Take Care of Your Health

In recent years, it has been observed that some students fell ill during their exam days, making themselves unable to appear in the exams. It is a massive loss of their hard work. Therefore, it is equally important to take care of one’s health during exam days. A healthy diet and daily exercise would be sufficient to constitute a healthy routine. 

Remain Motivated

It is quite natural for students to lose motivation in their preparation days. The key to remaining motivated is to engage yourself in different activities. Some students have a habit of playing cricket, some have danced as their hobby, some watch movies in their spare time, while some engage themselves in household chores. Hence, it is advisable to keep yourself engaged in activities that give you satisfaction to remain motivated.

Stay Away from Social Networking Sites

It is highly recommended to stay away from social media sites while you are studying. These social networking sites are designed to grab your attention. You can delete these applications or deactivate them at least in your preparation days. If you cannot avoid them altogether, try to minimize your usage. Allot a specific period, say half an hour a day, to them.


As explained in the preceding article, scoring good marks in exams is a reasonably straightforward process. Students are required to prepare everything adequately. These exams are a test of a student’s knowledge and their wisdom, endurance, time management skills, and the ability to work under pressure. By following the above strategy, students can ace their exams with flying colors. 

Study patiently and remain motivated throughout the journey.

Read also- How to Prepare for Boards in 3 Months


How Many Hours Should a 10th Class Student Study?

There is no specific answer to this question. It depends on the efficiency and grasping ability of the student. Generally speaking, 4-6 hours of daily self-study, which can be extended to 6-8 hours during the exam days, is more than sufficient for a class 10th student to score well.

How Should I Study for Class 10 Boards?

Class 10th board exams are very crucial. These exams are the first milestone of a student’s academic career. Students should prepare very carefully for these exams.

Which Guide is Best for Class 10?

There are several good guides available in the market. Students can refer to the books provided by Disha publications and Oswaal publications.

Which Time is Best for Study?

Morning time. Many scientific studies have proved that our brain’s productivity is maximum in the morning. Therefore, it is advisable to study early in the morning if possible. However, students should study at their convenience to reap the maximum benefit. 

Is Ncert Enough for Class 10 Boards?

Yes. CBSE prescribes NCERT textbooks and hence, are the main source of questions in the examination. However, to ensure maximum marks in the exam, students should also refer to other renowned books.

How Can I Complete the 10th Syllabus in 3 Months?

Class 10th syllabus can be completed in 3 months. Students need to study 7 to 8 hours daily with a proper plan to complete the Syllabus in the allotted time. Visit’s blogs section to get a scientifically proven strategy.

How Can I Score 95% in CBSE Class 10 Exam?

Students must prepare their subject in detail to score 95% or more in the class 10th CBSE board exams. First, read the Syllabus and go through the previous year’s question papers to know what questions are being asked. Prepare accordingly. For a detailed strategy on preparing for class 10th board exams and best tips for CBSE board exams, students can visit the GharPeShiksha blogs section.